Camp Comfort is a little blog with loads of style. This girl is an inspiration. She has loads of recommendations and also answers questions with really great interesting answers!

digby and iona
vanity fair
shopbop,, and
la garconneand best for last...

I love those shoes! :)
I know oh my god i think i shreiked a little when i saw them!
You are welcome! Thanks for stopping by my blog as well. ;) You have a new follower. I am interested in getting into interior design...looks like such a great career. Do you enjoy it? Those shoes are awesome and so colorful! Happy blogging!
Im newly on my way into that profession. We'll see...I have loved it for a long time and have been designing for friends for years. I love the idea of interior architecture being done in a sustainable fashion and life in general from a sustainable viewpoint. Portland's Art Institute has the first program of it's kind.
That's great about the program in Portland. I love the idea of incorporating sustainable fashion with interior design. I hope all goes well for you and I will look forward to your updates on your studies. I am going to take an intro class about Interior Design and Fashion Design at a community college in Southern CA, I'm really looking forward to it. Enjoy your weekend!
LOVING that dress!!
loooove this whole post!
Oh and I love so much. I interviewed them and they're so cool!
that white dress is so pretty!~
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