
Another One Bites the Dust

Dearest Domino,

Goodbye my love. You were truly, the best design magazine a girl could ask for. Knowledgable, edgy, intersting and sustainable. Every month I longed for the day the post man would drop a new, plastic wrapped issue through my mail slot. Ripping off the plastic and carefully flipping through your pages once, then twice and usually a third time, just in case I missed anything. This economy is affecting us all and I tear up at the thought of it affecting the ones I truly love. But i will cherish you always dear Domino and the moments we've shared. All of your issues will forever be perfectly organized in my bookshelf. Like design encyclopedias, ready and waiting for whenever I need an answer or a little inspiration. Thank you Domino, thankyou for everything, you will be missed terribly.

Love always,

1 comment:

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Still saddens me months later.