
A Book To Read...

I recently picked up 'The Green Book' written by Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigen. It is basically Saving the Planet for Dummies. I love it. From your home, to the way you get your entertainment, travel, put on your makeup and spend money there are ways for us to creatively and easily leave behind something other than WASTE for future generations.

An exerpt from the foreword which has words from William McDonough and Cameron Diaz:
" William McDonough - The world often sees environmentalism or being green as being less bad. IT's really not about being less bad, it's about being more good. So I think that's the difference. When all of a sudden you realize that we have to become a creative force, not just a less destructive force. That's a big revelation."

"Cameron Diaz - If you think of (being sustainable) as taking away something, withholding something, and not having everything that we want, then nobody wants to participate in that. Nobody wants to be a part of it. But the idea of still getting everything that we want, but just doing it in the right way, in a good way -- not less bad but more good -- that is the real goal."

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