I don't usually dig advice columns. I find them trite and antiquated normally.
This one is different, it's heartfelt and raw. The author, Cheryl Strayed gives personal details about her life that so many advice columnists avoid. The thing is - this is what makes her answers pack a punch. This is what makes me want to just post up at her bar and drink too many bloody mary's and just cry. I know I could come to her with anything and she would have a way to make me feel better about the situation.
So please my friends, check out Sugar, The Rumpus Advice Column.
Also, my favorite post and the post that lead me to her amazing writing in the first place.
I read her memoir a couple months ago and it made me feel differently than all the books I've read so far. her writing is so raw and personal. each page is written with so much vulnerability that I felt wrong reading some parts. but the feeling it left me with lingered on for a long time.
To caroline... are you sure?
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